1789 Or Bust

We have been duped. Like Essau, we have sold our birthrights for some soup. Not even a good soup, but cheap broth from a 25 cent ramen noodle package; and we supply the hot water.

We have been taught by goons of evil, haters of liberty, and enemies of the Kingdom of the Almighty.

And here we are…

Two hundred and forty six years into this experiment, and instead of beating weapons into plowshare’s, we are debating the insane:

• children choosing to mutilate themselves by cutting off their genitals

• should we become communist’s? (But we’ll call it a shinier name)

• should we allow government representatives to decide whether or not to inject us by mandate?

• should we send all of our money to foreign lands?

• the Constitution allows Congress to allot monies to scientific advancement; does this include the study of the unnatural characteristics of the insane? Or bio-chemical study/storage in labs globally and not on our land?

2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV

[14] If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

We are at a time in history, where there are 3 options.


Give up. Become full on slaves. Embrace the World Economic Forum. Own nothing and be happy.

Option 2

Let the voting ballots and the courts work this out, and over a period of time, we’ll get straight again.

Option 3

Realize that options 1 and 2 are not options. Putting this back together would be as impossible as putting hairspray back in the container. We’ve arrived at this place because of a lack of education; remember, we have been taught and “represented as a people” by godless, liberty hating, goons.

So what is the solution?

Rewind to 1789 and start over. Why 1789?

Because on March 9th, 1789, year of our Lord, these United States ratified the Constitution. Scrap everything from that date until now, acknowledge the freedom of ALL men everywhere, regardless of skin color, social status, education, or wealth, and come together as one voice to proclaim, “Liberty or Death!”

True Liberty, the kind found in salvation. And those that aren’t saved will be prayed for, evangelized, and befriended. Where the Spirit of Christ is, liberty follows.

Read your Bible. Read the Constitution. Read the Puritans man! Pull your head out and live!

Or, go watch another Disney movie, they seem to be a wholesome company that produces great content… “NOT!” (My best king James impersonation…)

Why would a church be publishing this? Doesn’t this go against the Separation of Church and State?

If this is a question you are asking yourself, this post is targeted at you. This IS the responsibility of the church! If the church doesn’t proclaim it, who will?! The state?!

God has set up His authority over all governments everywhere. He has established His King. All governments are to acknowledge that their power only flows downward from the Son of God, and that they are to govern as stewards, not as sovereigns.

Psalm 2:9-12 KJV

[9] Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. [10] Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. [11] Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. [12] Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. …


All men everywhere are commanded to believe the gospel. Believing the gospel is shown by keeping Christ’s commands. Keeping Christ’s commands means keeping what is in the scriptures-ALONE! In the scriptures, Christ tells us to “Honour the king.” 1Peter 2:17. In these United States, our king is the Constitution, and we as freemen are to Honour our king by keeping his (the laws in the Constitution) commands.

1 Peter 2:17 KJV

[17] Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.


I am NOT ADVOCATING OR INCITING a revolution, insurrection, or a coup of ANY KIND. I am simply pointing out that when you leave the gate open and unattended, unwanted dogs are free to roam. I’m merely suggesting that the dogs get rounded up and taken to the pound.


Because we are to be peacemakers.

Read the beatitudes.

Semper Reformanda

(Always Reforming)